Вас могут заинтересовать

What sports do you go in

What sports do you go in

What time do you go to school

What time do you go to school

Do you go to the library

Do you go to the library

Lets go do you know

Lets go do you know

Go walking or do walking

Go walking or do walking

Do you want go to school

Do you want go to school

Does your family go to the cinema

Does your family go to the cinema

Who do you think you go

Who do you think you go

Do you go together

Do you go together

Complete when did you go

Complete when did you go

Gave did see went

Gave did see went

Why do you go to school

Why do you go to school

While i i 1. Begin Информатика. I=+1 I+=1. (1+I)^I. S 0 I 0 while i<5. Writeln('1+3='); writeln(1+3);. Uses CRT. Var i n integer begin i= 1 while i=10. Var a,s: integer; begin s:=0; for a:=1 to 4 do s:=s+a; writeln('s=', s); end.. I++ цикл while