Вас могут заинтересовать

A friend has just come

A friend has just come

I want to have a pen friend

I want to have a pen friend

Has friends in places

Has friends in places

Have too many friends

Have too many friends

We have never been friends

We have never been friends

My friend has already

My friend has already

I have few friends

I have few friends

My friends have invited me

My friends have invited me

Having fun with friends

Having fun with friends

Have a true friend

Have a true friend

My friend has cat

My friend has cat

It nice to have a friend

It nice to have a friend

What exactly were you doing did. Exactly Мем. Exactly meme. Я даже не знаю кто ты такая Танос. Камни ТАНОСА прикол. Kelly Kapoor memes. Thinking gif. Exactly в вопросе. What he said. Present simple образование утвердительной формы. Правило образования present simple