Вас могут заинтересовать

He was smiling

He was smiling

Choose the correct answer he is

Choose the correct answer he is

He is rich

He is rich

Be h he

Be h he

He is an open

He is an open

He is worried

He is worried

He is green

He is green

He is 19

He is 19

He is bob

He is bob

He was in the shop

He was in the shop

She was never he

She was never he

He is special

He is special

У волка парные гомологичные хромосомы имеются. Схема кроссинговера хромосом. Схема митотического кроссинговера. Процесс кроссинговера. Кроссинговер мутация. Схема конъюгации хромосом. Конъюгация гомологичных хромосом в мейозе 1. Конъюгация и кроссинговер хромосом