Вас могут заинтересовать

They have not much time

They have not much time

They have english books

They have english books

They have toys

They have toys

They had pizza

They had pizza

They have finished yet

They have finished yet

Did they have lunch

Did they have lunch

They don t have children

They don t have children

They have dinner at 6

They have dinner at 6

What presents have they

What presents have they

They had finished the work by

They had finished the work by

They have played tennis

They have played tennis

What problems they have what

What problems they have what

Ценность самостоятельности и инициативы. Инициативность и самостоятельность. Самостоятельность и инициативность дошкольника. Ребёнок проявляет инициативу и самостоятельность в разных. Компетенции естественнонаучной грамотности. Компетенции естественно-научной рамотности