Вас могут заинтересовать

I am shop assistant

I am shop assistant

I shop store

I shop store

B m г

B m г

I want some shopping

I want some shopping

Y b m x

Y b m x

I shopping with my brother

I shopping with my brother

B f m v

B f m v

V b b y m

V b b y m

I shop iphone

I shop iphone

M b mn

M b mn

I love going shopping

I love going shopping

F m b y

F m b y

There is are rainbow 4. Оборот there is there are правило. There is are правило таблица. Грамматическая конструкция there is there are. Конструкции there is there are there was there were. Предложения с оборотом there is. Памятка there is there are. Оборот there are в английском