Вас могут заинтересовать

No such thing

No such thing

Stranger things русский

Stranger things русский

Write 5 things

Write 5 things

The things group

The things group

Make a good things

Make a good things

Песня beautiful things

Песня beautiful things

Things trip

Things trip

Asking for things

Asking for things

My favourite things were

My favourite things were

Dark things

Dark things

Imagining things

Imagining things

Christmas thing

Christmas thing

The is is and. Was were правило. Was were таблица. Правило was were в английском. Is isn't правило. Глагол to be в present и past simple. Глагол to be present past. Глагол to be в past simple таблица. 3. Глагол to be в past simple. There is there are в английском языке