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Read the text fill in the words

Read the text fill in the words

Look read and complete the texts

Look read and complete the texts

Simple texts for reading

Simple texts for reading

Read the text and the questions

Read the text and the questions

Reading and discussing the text

Reading and discussing the text

Read and listen to the text

Read and listen to the text

Read the text and choose the sentences

Read the text and choose the sentences

Read the text fill the gaps

Read the text fill the gaps

Read the text again and choose

Read the text again and choose

Read the text and ask questions then

Read the text and ask questions then

Read the texts and match each text

Read the texts and match each text

Read the text match paragraphs 1 5

Read the text match paragraphs 1 5

Сучья собранные. Хворост в лесу. Валежник. Валежник в лесу. Сбор хвороста в лесу. Никольский леспромхоз Вологодская область. Департамент лесного хозяйства Томской области. Вырубка лесов. Вырубка деревьев. Порубочные остатки. Сбор порубочных остатков. Сбор порубочных остатков в кучи