Вас могут заинтересовать

Has to do her homework

Has to do her homework

Does your sister have

Does your sister have

Do have offer

Do have offer

Do they have to come

Do they have to come

You have done enough

You have done enough

Have done recently

Have done recently

Does he has to read

Does he has to read

Do you have some time

Do you have some time

After you have done your

After you have done your

Do u had

Do u had

1 have she done her homework

1 have she done her homework

You just what you have done

You just what you have done

Старики спят. Сон пожилых людей. Сон в пожилом возрасте. Пожилой человек спит. Старик спит. Пожилой мужчина. Одинокие пожилые мужчины. Одиночество пожилых. Усталый пожилой человек. Бессонница у пожилых. Нарушение сна у пожилых. Нарушение сна в пожилом и старческом возрасте