Вас могут заинтересовать

First conditional sentences

First conditional sentences

Complete the sentences with given verbs

Complete the sentences with given verbs

4 simple sentence

4 simple sentence

Derived sentences

Derived sentences

The correct conditional sentence

The correct conditional sentence

Complete the sentences with comparative

Complete the sentences with comparative

End of sentence

End of sentence

Complete the sentences choose from

Complete the sentences choose from

Sentence halves

Sentence halves

Write 7 sentences

Write 7 sentences

Complete the sentences using the given

Complete the sentences using the given

Subject sentences

Subject sentences

Стал лицеистом. Друзья Пушкина в лицее. Лицей заменил Пушкину детство. Пушкин в лицее с друзьями. Пушкин и друзья лицеисты. Императорский Царскосельский лицей лицеисты. Царскосельский лицей 1812. Лицеисты Царскосельского лицея. Воспитанники Царскосельского лицея