Вас могут заинтересовать

D 1 схема

D 1 схема

D 0 x 1 d

D 0 x 1 d

D 1 d 1 решение

D 1 d 1 решение

Meant net

Meant net

1 a1 d

1 a1 d

D 40 1

D 40 1

28 1 28 d

28 1 28 d

D 48 1

D 48 1

Solve meaning

Solve meaning

D y e y 1

D y e y 1

D 13 1

D 13 1

Этот остров имеет

Этот остров имеет

Some of these sentences. Correct the sentences. Are the sentences correct correct the Incorrect sentences. Some of the sentences are Incorrect Rewrite them correctly if necessary. Find the mistakes and correct the sentences. Correct the mistakes in the sentences