Вас могут заинтересовать

Visit sentences

Visit sentences

Write full sentences

Write full sentences

Fill in gaps in the sentences

Fill in gaps in the sentences

Complete the sentences use present simple

Complete the sentences use present simple

Mark the sentences true or false

Mark the sentences true or false

Correct the following sentences

Correct the following sentences

Types of sentences

Types of sentences

Long sentence

Long sentence

B complete the sentences use

B complete the sentences use

Complete the sentences then match

Complete the sentences then match

Choose the correct options the sentences

Choose the correct options the sentences

Complete the sentences with have or has

Complete the sentences with have or has

Солнце греет снег. Солнце весной. Весна снег солнце. Снег и солнце. Весеннее солнце и снег. Зима пейзаж. Солнечный зимний день. Февральский пейзаж. Зимний Солнечный пейзаж. Время года зима. Пейзажи всех времен года. Зимний рассвет. Пейзаж времена года. Ранняя Весна