Вас могут заинтересовать

Are you her aunt

Are you her aunt

She is the all thing

She is the all thing

Her eyes are brown

Her eyes are brown

She is painting picture

She is painting picture

Is she walking to school

Is she walking to school

My own my own she is

My own my own she is

She is having a shower

She is having a shower

While she was cooking

While she was cooking

She is tall her sister

She is tall her sister

Her ship is

Her ship is

She is got short

She is got short

Be quick she

Be quick she

Сколько оборотов солнце совершает вокруг. Полный оборот земли вокруг солнца. Вращение земли вокруг солнца. Полный оборот вокруг солнца земля совершает. Земля вращается вокруг солнца за 365 суток. Связь сидерического и синодического периодов планет. Период вращения планет вокруг солнца