Вас могут заинтересовать

Did she a book to write

Did she a book to write

Does her father work

Does her father work

She do it tomorrow

She do it tomorrow

She to do the cleaning

She to do the cleaning

What did her parents do

What did her parents do

She do that thing

She do that thing

Does she come school

Does she come school

What does she do in the morning

What does she do in the morning

Does she or her friend

Does she or her friend

Do not tell her

Do not tell her

She asked me if i do

She asked me if i do

She wants to do something

She wants to do something

She shall be. Вивьен ли. Вивьен ли цитаты. Скарлетт цитаты. Вивьен ли я подумаю об этом завтра. Present, Future, past simple; present perfect, past perfect; present Continuous, past Continuous. Past perfect past simple present simple present Continuous. Present simple present Continuous past simple Future simple present perfect