Вас могут заинтересовать

What had happened to them

What had happened to them

They have lots of friends

They have lots of friends

They have done an exercise

They have done an exercise

She they has a cat

She they has a cat

They have fixed

They have fixed

Have a home for them

Have a home for them

1 they have played football

1 they have played football

They have a flat

They have a flat

They have gone to bed

They have gone to bed

They have holidays summer

They have holidays summer

Conditionals if they had

Conditionals if they had

Have they built the house

Have they built the house

Психоз код. Инволюционный параноид мкб. Функциональные психические расстройства позднего возраста. Инволюционный психоз мкб 10. Реактивный психоз мкб 10. Сосудистая деменция мкб 10. Диагностические критерии деменции. Основные симптомы по мкб-10 деменция. Диагностические критерии сосудистой деменции