Вас могут заинтересовать

Kind to have them

Kind to have them

They have been waiting

They have been waiting

They have university

They have university

They have got a lot of

They have got a lot of

They have translated the book

They have translated the book

They have got long tails

They have got long tails

They and haven t have

They and haven t have

Have they got friends

Have they got friends

They have bread

They have bread

They have escaped

They have escaped

They having dinner now

They having dinner now

They have some books

They have some books

Предлоги из литературы. Предложения с простыми предлогами. Предложения с составными предлогами. Предложения с простыми производными предлогами. Три предложения с простыми предлогами. Сбоку производный предлог или нет. Таблица производных и непроизводных предлогов