Вас могут заинтересовать

Natural sentences

Natural sentences

Order the sentences in the dialogue

Order the sentences in the dialogue

Complete the reported sentences

Complete the reported sentences

Complete the sentences use the missing

Complete the sentences use the missing

2 make the sentences interrogative

2 make the sentences interrogative

Write the answers and sentences

Write the answers and sentences

Complete the sentences 9 класс

Complete the sentences 9 класс

Sentence level

Sentence level

Indirect sentences

Indirect sentences

Combine the sentence using

Combine the sentence using

Write the sentences in past perfect

Write the sentences in past perfect

17 complete the sentences

17 complete the sentences

Погода где солнце. Солнечное небо. Небо солнце. Солнечный день. Яркое солнце. Солнечная осень. Солнце осенью. Осень солнце. Солнечная осень в городе. Летний пейзаж. Лето природа. Пейзаж лето. Облачность ясно. Определение облачности. Какая бывает облачность