Вас могут заинтересовать

Write full sentences use

Write full sentences use

Complete the sentences using past perfect

Complete the sentences using past perfect

Positive sentences

Positive sentences

Sentenced broken

Sentenced broken

Complete the sentences 1 people

Complete the sentences 1 people

15 sentences

15 sentences

Past simple was were sentences

Past simple was were sentences

10 sentences going to

10 sentences going to

Complete the sentences in present perfect

Complete the sentences in present perfect

Sentence предложение

Sentence предложение

E complete the sentences

E complete the sentences

Forming passive sentences

Forming passive sentences

Почему у друзей должны быть общие увлечения. Мужчина и женщина на рыбалке. Влюбленные на рыбалке. Парень и девушка рыбачат. Женщины на рыбалке. Рассказ о семье. Доклад о семье. Темы про семью. Рассказ о счастливой семье. Общие увлечения в семье. Аргументы за создание семьи