Вас могут заинтересовать

Tick the correct sentences

Tick the correct sentences

Topic sentence

Topic sentence

Complete the sentences with superlative forms

Complete the sentences with superlative forms

Sentence endings

Sentence endings

Complete the sentences with do or does

Complete the sentences with do or does

Happy sentence

Happy sentence

Match the sentences 1 6

Match the sentences 1 6

Complete the sentences using the adjectives

Complete the sentences using the adjectives

Write 4 6 sentences

Write 4 6 sentences

Complete the sentences while

Complete the sentences while

Write sentences with was and were

Write sentences with was and were

Conditionals 1 complete the sentences

Conditionals 1 complete the sentences

Почему на другом языке. Разные языки мира. Люди говорящие на разных языках. Приветствие на разных языках. Разговаривают на разных языках. Украинский язык. Слава на украинсок языке. Украинские слова. Руские Слава на укроинском языке. Смешные слова на немецком языке