Вас могут заинтересовать

Complete the sentences 1 yesterday

Complete the sentences 1 yesterday

Complete the sentences with the correct adjective

Complete the sentences with the correct adjective

Complete the sentences the verbs into

Complete the sentences the verbs into

Complete the sentences dialogue

Complete the sentences dialogue

Sentence cold

Sentence cold

Complete each sentence with the correct

Complete each sentence with the correct

Use the prompts the sentences

Use the prompts the sentences

Match the sentences in column

Match the sentences in column

Writing in full sentences

Writing in full sentences

Conditional sentences 3

Conditional sentences 3

Complete the sentences with the phrasal

Complete the sentences with the phrasal

Complete these sentences with the correct

Complete these sentences with the correct

Почему куры клюют друг друга перья. Куры расклевывают друг друга. Курица выдергивает перья. Выщипывание перьев у кур. Почему куры едят друг друга. Кожные заболевания у бройлеров. Куры бройлеры. Куры выклёвывают перья друг у друга. Курица клюет. Курица клюнула