Вас могут заинтересовать

She is dark hair

She is dark hair

She is improving

She is improving

You am going to meet her

You am going to meet her

Her friends was или were

Her friends was или were

She was working in the garden

She was working in the garden

She is skiing

She is skiing

She is mine everything she

She is mine everything she

She is chinese

She is chinese

She is of hard work

She is of hard work

She is at school now

She is at school now

Her eyes is green

Her eyes is green

She was seen to leave

She was seen to leave

Отвергнутый камень глава угла. Камень, который отвергли строители, Библия. Камень, который отвергли строители, тот самый сделался главою угла. Камень который отвергли строители сделался главою угла толкование. Камень, который отвергли строители, соделался главою угла: