Вас могут заинтересовать

She was rude

She was rude

She is found reading

She is found reading

She book is interesting

She book is interesting

She is twelve

She is twelve

She is only 5

She is only 5

Her eyes are big

Her eyes are big

Her cats names are

Her cats names are

She is less than

She is less than

She is dangerous

She is dangerous

She is to pass the exam

She is to pass the exam

She is talented

She is talented

Beauty is she

Beauty is she

Отвергнуть притязания. Виды политического влияния. Политические действия. Осуществляет Верховную политическую власть в обществе. Политическое поле. Уровень притязаний. Исследование уровня притязаний. Уровень притязаний личности. Уровень притязаний личности в психологии