Вас могут заинтересовать

Wanna be her

Wanna be her

She arrived when we were

She arrived when we were

She is keen

She is keen

She is perfect friend

She is perfect friend

What is your her name

What is your her name

She was a mouse

She was a mouse

This is her problem

This is her problem

Where she be yesterday

Where she be yesterday

Is she washing up

Is she washing up

She is supposed

She is supposed

Her is pam

Her is pam

It is hers или her

It is hers или her

Оценка плода по шкале апгар. Оценка 7-8 новорожденных по шкале Апгар. Таблица Апгар 9.9. Таблицу оценки состояния новорожденного по шкале Апгар. Оценка состояния новорожденного ребенка по шкале АПГА. Шкала Апгар оценка новорожденного. Шкала оценки новорожденных 8-9 баллов