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Task 1 complete the sentences

Task 1 complete the sentences

Similar meaning to the sentence

Similar meaning to the sentence

Become a sentence

Become a sentence

Write the sentences in passive voice

Write the sentences in passive voice

Present perfect tense sentence

Present perfect tense sentence

Present simple passive sentences

Present simple passive sentences

Gerund sentences

Gerund sentences

Write the sentence in the present simple

Write the sentence in the present simple

Be able to sentences

Be able to sentences

Complete the sentences with the nouns

Complete the sentences with the nouns

Form sentences using the passive

Form sentences using the passive

Complete the sentences using following verbs

Complete the sentences using following verbs

Огромное красное солнце. Красный закат. Красное солнце на закате. Багровое солнце. Красный гигант. Огненный гигант - солнце. Красный гигант на небе. Солнце компьютерная Графика. Красная Луна. Кроваво красное солнце. Кровавое суперлуние. Красное солнце в небе