Вас могут заинтересовать

She has a brother

She has a brother

She has walked

She has walked

She should have

She should have

She to have a book

She to have a book

Her parents to have

Her parents to have

She has a big

She has a big

She have lunch

She have lunch

Yes i speak

Yes i speak

In the morning she has

In the morning she has

She had worn

She had worn

She have left

She have left

She has travelled

She has travelled

No they are not. They are или they are not. No they not. Are they pupils? Тип вопроса. What are they. What is it what are they правило. What are they they are. What is it игра. Are they Yes they are. Упражнения на are they? Yes, they are. No, they are not. They are коротко