Вас могут заинтересовать

Run on sentences

Run on sentences

Make sentences 5 класс

Make sentences 5 класс

Task write the sentences

Task write the sentences

Although sentences

Although sentences

Top sentence

Top sentence

1 tick the correct sentence

1 tick the correct sentence

Complete the sentences using present tenses

Complete the sentences using present tenses

Complete each sentence with a verb

Complete each sentence with a verb

Complete the sentences use began

Complete the sentences use began

Rewrite sentences 2 4 using

Rewrite sentences 2 4 using

Read the sentences with the present

Read the sentences with the present

Finish your sentences

Finish your sentences

Небо пылало бесконечная прозрачная вуаль. Анна Диттманн (Anna Dittmann). Anna Dittmann арт. Художник Anna Nevezhina. Девушка в прозрачной ткани. Мраморная вуаль Джузеппе Саммартино. Скульптура мраморная вуаль Рафаэль Монти. Целомудрие (Антонио Коррадини (1752))