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Write sentences use the past continuous

Write sentences use the past continuous

2 write sentences 1 house

2 write sentences 1 house

Complete the sentences they lived in

Complete the sentences they lived in

Write some sentences with some

Write some sentences with some

Write the sentences in negative form

Write the sentences in negative form

2 write sentences with used to

2 write sentences with used to

Rewrite the sentences in the present

Rewrite the sentences in the present

2 match the sentence halves

2 match the sentence halves

Word combination sentence text

Word combination sentence text

Sentence with comparative adjective adverb

Sentence with comparative adjective adverb

Complete the sentences with could couldn t

Complete the sentences with could couldn t

Rewrite the following sentences using

Rewrite the following sentences using

Мороз солнце 89 мороз 46. Зимнее утро стих. Мороз и солнце день чудесный. Стих морозное зимнее утро. Стих Мороз и солнце. Рассвет зимой. Зимний пейзаж. Зимний лес солнце. Сказка Мороз солнце и ветер. Русские народные сказки Мороз ветер и солнце. Иллюстрация к сказке Мороз солнце и ветер