Вас могут заинтересовать

They have cooked dinner

They have cooked dinner

They have got much money

They have got much money

They have to get up early

They have to get up early

Have discussed the problem they

Have discussed the problem they

They have hats

They have hats

They have never been like

They have never been like

They have invited all

They have invited all

They have three children

They have three children

Как переводится they had

Как переводится they had

They have pencils

They have pencils

They have got toys

They have got toys

They are having to somebody

They are having to somebody

Мина м 50. Взрыватель мины 82 мм. Взрыватель для мины 82 мм м-6. Взрыватель м50. Взрыватель снарядов вв2. Мина ТМ 72. ТМ-62м противотанковая. ТМ 72 М. Противотанковая мина ТМ-72м. Дистанционная трубка т-1 120 мм миномета. Взрыватель минометной мины 82 мм. Мина 82мм взрыватель ВП