Вас могут заинтересовать

2 match the sentences

2 match the sentences

Complete the sentences with one ones

Complete the sentences with one ones

Complete the sentences in past simple

Complete the sentences in past simple

5 correct the sentences

5 correct the sentences

Active sentences

Active sentences

Written sentences about the

Written sentences about the

3 forms of the sentences

3 forms of the sentences

Complete the sentences with was or were

Complete the sentences with was or were

Always sentences

Always sentences

Sentenced down

Sentenced down

4 complete the sentences use

4 complete the sentences use

4 1 write sentences

4 1 write sentences

Mexican cactus. Кактус мексиканец цветок. Канкун кактусы. Кактус Boll. Опунция в Мексике. Мексика кактусы Сагуаро. Кактус цереус мексиканский. Кардон Кактус Мексика. Мексика Кактус лари. Мексика Мехико кактусы. Долина кактусов в Мексике. Мексика пустыня кактусы Сомбреро