Вас могут заинтересовать

Sometimes in the sentence

Sometimes in the sentence

Statement sentence

Statement sentence

Whether sentences

Whether sentences

Match the sentences below

Match the sentences below

Complete the sentences using must

Complete the sentences using must

Prefixes sentences

Prefixes sentences

Correct the sentences mark

Correct the sentences mark

Opposite sentences

Opposite sentences

Active sentences into passive

Active sentences into passive

Write 2 passive sentences

Write 2 passive sentences

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative

Positive negative sentences

Positive negative sentences

Люксембург здравоохранение. Люксембург больница. Госпиталь в Люксембурге. Университет Люксембурга. Здравоохранение в Люксембурге. Анри (Великий герцог Люксембурга). Герцог Анри и Мария-Тереза. Люксембург герцог Анри и семья. Герцогская семья Люксембурга. Медицина в Нидерландах