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Form of affirmative sentences

Form of affirmative sentences

Sentences on the page

Sentences on the page

Match the sentences 4 6

Match the sentences 4 6

Complete the sentences with the articles

Complete the sentences with the articles

Write three sentences

Write three sentences

6 passive sentences

6 passive sentences

Give up sentences

Give up sentences

Sentence someone to

Sentence someone to

Write 4 sentences using used to

Write 4 sentences using used to

Complete the sentences using the vocabulary

Complete the sentences using the vocabulary

Dangerous sentences

Dangerous sentences

Complete the sentences father

Complete the sentences father

Лето без солнца. Солнечное небо. Небо солнце. Солнечный день. Яркое солнце. Девушка в подсолнухах. Подсолнух и солнце. Девушка счастливая Подсолнухи. Солнечное лето. Поле одуванчиков. Летнее небо. Поле небо. Природа солнце. Летнее солнце. Скамья на природе