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Sentence functions

Sentence functions

Write short sentences

Write short sentences

12 complete the sentences

12 complete the sentences

Usually in a sentence

Usually in a sentence

Make sentences every

Make sentences every

Paraphrase the sentences

Paraphrase the sentences

Rewrite the correct sentences

Rewrite the correct sentences

Write past continuous sentences

Write past continuous sentences

D write sentences

D write sentences

Match sentences 1 7

Match sentences 1 7

Make sentences using present perfect

Make sentences using present perfect

Complete the sentences with may might

Complete the sentences with may might

Кладовая солнца ягоды. Произведения Пришвина черника. Как узнать чернику тоненький стебелек. Текст про чернику. Пришвин черника рассказ. Пришвин кладовая солнца рисунок. Рисунок к кладовой солнца Пришвина. Пришвин кладовая солнца иллюстрации. Рисунок к рассказу кладовая солнца пришвин