Вас могут заинтересовать

She has a boyfriend

She has a boyfriend

She has bread

She has bread

Has she finished her homework

Has she finished her homework

She has just her work

She has just her work

Although she has she

Although she has she

She have washed the dishes

She have washed the dishes

The morning she has breakfast

The morning she has breakfast

She has friends at school

She has friends at school

She have two children

She have two children

She had two older

She had two older

She sometimes has to

She sometimes has to

When have you known her

When have you known her

Как варить мелкую. Мелкая вермишель. Вермишель вареная. Вермишель паутинка. Макаронные изделия вермишель. Красная чечевица вареная. Чечевица оранжевая вареная. Чечевица красная мелкая. Оранжевая чечевица разварилась. Мелкие спагетти. Пошаговое приготовление макарон