Вас могут заинтересовать

They have got a sister

They have got a sister

They have published

They have published

They have gone to the cinema

They have gone to the cinema

They have bags

They have bags

They have managed

They have managed

They have school there

They have school there

Have they got a cat

Have they got a cat

They have some problems they

They have some problems they

They have invented

They have invented

Beautiful they have to be

Beautiful they have to be

Have they gone to london

Have they gone to london

They don t have lots of

They don t have lots of

It is of. What Day is it today. What is the Day of the week today. What is it тема. What Day of the week is it today. What are these ответ на вопрос. Ответы на вопрос what is it. Конструкция it is. What is this ответ на вопрос. It is для детей. What is it для детей