Вас могут заинтересовать

Be done in order to

Be done in order to

Was done past simple

Was done past simple

The cleaning is done

The cleaning is done

Песня are done

Песня are done

Done is enough

Done is enough

Write is are or do does

Write is are or do does

How are you doing answers

How are you doing answers

Consider is done

Consider is done

Nothing to be done

Nothing to be done

That is we do not

That is we do not

Past simple did was were

Past simple did was were

What students are doing

What students are doing

Исход 20 толкование. Дмитрий Сизоненко протоиерей. Протоиерей Дмитрий Софронов. Левит 11 глава читает священник Олег Стеняев. Исход. Гл.1толкует Стеняев. Количество убийств в Библии. Возложите каждый свой меч на бедро свое. Сколько людей убил Бог в Библии. Исход 32:27