Вас могут заинтересовать

Mean that they have to

Mean that they have to

They have their own

They have their own

They have a large

They have a large

How long they had them

How long they had them

They have done something

They have done something

Kind to have them

Kind to have them

They have been waiting

They have been waiting

They have university

They have university

They have got a lot of

They have got a lot of

They have translated the book

They have translated the book

They have got long tails

They have got long tails

They and haven t have

They and haven t have

I am plan. Грамматическая структура to be going to. To be going to do правило. Английский язык to be going to правило. Конструкция to be going to таблица. Внешность Worksheets. Appearance упражнения. Внешность Worksheets for Kids. Appearance for children. To be going to картинки для описания