Вас могут заинтересовать

They usually have

They usually have

They have travelled

They have travelled

They often have

They often have

They have three

They have three

They have always

They have always

Have they arrived

Have they arrived

Yes they have

Yes they have

Where have they were

Where have they were

Have you told them

Have you told them

They have been here

They have been here

They have visited

They have visited

They have decided to

They have decided to

I am become. I am become Death. Oppenheimer i am become Death. I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds. Now i become Death the Destroyer of Worlds. Оппенгеймер я стал смертью разрушителем миров. Oppenheimer Now i become. Оппенгеймер фраза. Im become Death