Вас могут заинтересовать

What s love got to do

What s love got to do

Bread is every day

Bread is every day

I won t mind

I won t mind

These rooms are cleaned every day

These rooms are cleaned every day

Half of the day is

Half of the day is

If it rain i won t

If it rain i won t

The next day there was a

The next day there was a

It was a rainy day

It was a rainy day

The office is cleaned every day

The office is cleaned every day

Hah i win

Hah i win

Get a did to love

Get a did to love

Lovedrive scorpions

Lovedrive scorpions

I 1 n b i. Integer в Паскале const array. Двумерный массив i j. Массив for. Массивы элементов integer real. For i in range. Цикл for in range. For j in range(1, n): for i in range(n - j): блок схема. For i in range(n):. Const в си. Известны элементы целочисленного массива а