Вас могут заинтересовать

She does brother

She does brother

Do she swim

Do she swim

She do the washing

She do the washing

Do you know she

Do you know she

She to do her morning

She to do her morning

She ll do

She ll do

What do you do for her

What do you do for her

Make her to do

Make her to do

Did she watch tv

Did she watch tv

Let her do

Let her do

Do you see her

Do you see her

Do she home

Do she home

He is policeman. What does a policeman do. Policeman. What does he do?. He is a policeman. Предложение со словом policeman. Офицер полиции. Полицейский офицер. Полицейская форма Америки. Офицеры NYPD. Крис полицейский. Полиция штата Сан Франсиско. Полиция США