Вас могут заинтересовать

Main sentence

Main sentence

Упражнения complete the sentences

Упражнения complete the sentences

Alternative sentencing

Alternative sentencing

Relative pronoun sentences

Relative pronoun sentences

Match the sentences in the two columns

Match the sentences in the two columns

Make these sentences passive

Make these sentences passive

Task 2 complete the sentences

Task 2 complete the sentences

Verb ing sentence

Verb ing sentence

Complete the sentences with a suitable

Complete the sentences with a suitable

Match the sentences with their

Match the sentences with their

Form interrogative sentences

Form interrogative sentences

These sentences are answers

These sentences are answers

Гомологичные участки хромосомы это. Гомологичные и негомологичные хромосомы. Конъюгация и кроссинговер. Происходит конъюгация гомологичных хромосом. Хромосомы и гены человека. Гены в хромосомах располагаются. Ген хромосома геном. Расположение генов в хромосомах