Вас могут заинтересовать

Decision is made

Decision is made

Past simple the verb become

Past simple the verb become

Skill verb

Skill verb

Check the verbs below

Check the verbs below

Modal verbs in the past

Modal verbs in the past

Is a need to make

Is a need to make

Are teachers made

Are teachers made

Is make it for us

Is make it for us

Notional verb

Notional verb

Verb creature

Verb creature

Irregular verbs 7 класс

Irregular verbs 7 класс

Was were verb ed

Was were verb ed

Глаза старика. Испуганные глаза Стариков. Глаза пожилого человека. Старик с бородой. Пронзительный взгляд старика. Фотопортрет старика. Лицо старика с бородой. Глаза дедушки. Добрые глаза. Грустные глаза старика. Валерий Ляшкевич. Бездомный художник Валерий Викторович