Вас могут заинтересовать

He was awaked

He was awaked

Why he was late

Why he was late

He is we speed up

He is we speed up

He is going to the exam

He is going to the exam

He is blind

He is blind

He is happier now

He is happier now

He was punished

He was punished

He is примеры

He is примеры

Why is he writing

Why is he writing

Where is he going now

Where is he going now

He is good вопрос

He is good вопрос

He is a soldier

He is a soldier

Деревья дуб клен. Деревья клен дуб осина ясень. Деревья клены березы. Дуб, липа, клен, ясень, вяз. Дерево ясень и осина. Дуб береза клен Тополь. Деревья дуб береза клен. Липа, клён, дуб, берёза, Тополь.. Дерево дуб береза клен рябина осина Ива Тополь липа. Листья тополя. Клена, березы