Вас могут заинтересовать

Clock картинка

Clock картинка

Clock ratio

Clock ratio

Clock plus

Clock plus

Bill haley around the clock

Bill haley around the clock

Hot alarm clock

Hot alarm clock

Clock htc 1 инструкция

Clock htc 1 инструкция

Can you get hard

Can you get hard

Can get enough песня

Can get enough песня

Bags clocks

Bags clocks

Part o clock

Part o clock

He to work 8 o clock

He to work 8 o clock

Apps clock

Apps clock

Correct form past simple. Correct form of the verb. Write the correct form of the verb. Correct form of the verb to be. Correct past simple form. Present simple диалог. Complete the Dialogue with the past simple. Complete the sentences with the verbs in Brackets