Вас могут заинтересовать

Is she is little big

Is she is little big

She born where was

She born where was

My sister she is writing

My sister she is writing

She is thick

She is thick

Her father is doctor

Her father is doctor

She will be loved maroon

She will be loved maroon

She is trying to say

She is trying to say

She is wolf

She is wolf

Her hair is are black

Her hair is are black

She is lena

She is lena

When she is she cries

When she is she cries

She gets up at 7 am

She gets up at 7 am

Because you have addressed to. So either neither too грамматика. Английский. Предложение. So do i neither do i правило. Too so в английском. How to introduce yourself in English. Introduction in English. Английский introduce yourself. Уроки по английскому языку