Вас могут заинтересовать

He was brought up

He was brought up

He is tall man

He is tall man

He is got short

He is got short

How is he called

How is he called

He was educated

He was educated

Whether he was or

Whether he was or

He is noisy

He is noisy

He thinks he is right

He thinks he is right

He is known to be writing

He is known to be writing

He was spend more time

He was spend more time

He is a good father

He is a good father

He is known to write

He is known to write

Because comma. Comma before and. So comma. Or comma. Using commas in English. Comma before when. When do we use commas. Comma before because. Because запятая. When to put a comma. Comma before that. Comma after first of all. At first comma. At first second comma