Вас могут заинтересовать

It was late in the day

It was late in the day

The are coldest days in winter

The are coldest days in winter

Two days ago to be

Two days ago to be

Day is blue

Day is blue

These days things are

These days things are

Was having an off day

Was having an off day

The days was between

The days was between

Time every day it is

Time every day it is

It is the important day

It is the important day

The world is these days

The world is these days

It was a lovely day

It was a lovely day

Song the is the day

Song the is the day

45 20 мин. Часы с половиной часа. Циферблат часов с разным временем. Четыре часа на циферблате. Изображение циферблата часов. Часы со стрелками. Стрелочный циферблат. Часы минутные стрелки. Циферблат стрелочных часов. Семь часов по часам. Сколько времени?. Часы четыре часа