Вас могут заинтересовать

Complete the sentences fill

Complete the sentences fill

Negative interrogative sentences

Negative interrogative sentences

Comparative adjectives sentences

Comparative adjectives sentences

The beginning of the sentence

The beginning of the sentence

Complete the sentences in present continuous

Complete the sentences in present continuous

Sentence problems

Sentence problems

Mark the sentences true or f

Mark the sentences true or f

First conditional sentences

First conditional sentences

Complete the sentences with given verbs

Complete the sentences with given verbs

4 simple sentence

4 simple sentence

Derived sentences

Derived sentences

The correct conditional sentence

The correct conditional sentence

1 город европы. Городок в Германии. Маленькие европейские города. Маленький городок в Европе. Самые красивые маленькие города Германии. Хальштатт, Австрия. Гальштат Австрия. Австрия озеро Гальштат. Деревня в Австрии Гальштат. Гранд плас Брюссель. Бельгия площадь Гранд-пляс